White Male Cats With Blue Eyes Deaf
Are white cats with blue eyes blind or deaf.
White male cats with blue eyes deaf. Researchers found that only 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf. And if the white cat has a different eye color for each eye heterochromia. 25 of white cats with yellow eyes have normal hearing.
Some of the cats were deaf in only one ear - interestingly if a cat had a blue eye on the right side of her head she tended to be deaf in the. The gene responsible is an autosomal dominant gene termed W for White. Not all white cat or white cats with blue eyes are deaf.
About half of all white cats are deaf and those numbers increase in cats with blue eyes with deafness often found on the same side as the blue eye left blue eye deaf in left ear. However that is not guaranteed. White cats with one blue eye and one yellow eye are often deaf on the ear on the side of the blue eye left eye blue.
A survey of 185 white cats reported the following results. Deafness is caused by an absence of a cell layer in the inner ear that originates from the same stem cells as well. In those cats with eyes of another colour only 10-20 are likely to be deaf.
Breeding studies have defined the relationship between deafness in white cats and blue eye colour. The keyword is the dominant gene. Can a cat with blue eyes be deaf.
The uphill road to solving polygenic disorders The pure white cat with luminous blue eyes is an attrac-tive image familiar to many. Another thing about blue-eyed white cats is that they are photophobic. White cats with blue eyes often suffer from a genetic defect that causes their cochlea a vital organ within the inner ear to degenerate shortly after birthWhite cats with eyes of other colours can usually hear.