What To Do During Puppy Fear Period

This is when puppies would learn under the guidance of their mom, which stimuli are threatening and non.
What to do during puppy fear period. The fear can be of a person, dog or object. Firstly, do not panic or react dramatically when a puppy exhibits fearful behavior. For example, if your puppy was attacked by a dog during the fear period,.
Try to control your own startle response to your dog's barking or lunging if possible. For example, during the second fear period (four to six months), it is common for puppies to start barking at the trash can if it’s moved to a new place. Fear should be handled with patience and kindness.
Carry a favorite toy with you and play squeaky toys or tug of war. Now, if forced to interact with something that makes them uncomfortable, an adolescent may try to avoid first, but quickly may try to use their mouth or body to express themselves. The best thing that you can do when you encounter your pup struggling with a fear period is to not react at all to the cause of the fear.
What does a puppy’s ‘fear period’ refer to? Because at this stage the owner may be dealing with a dog barking and lunging and pulling on the leash, this fear period has a bigger impact, causing the owner to worry about the dog's behavior. Things like vacuuming can still be accomplished, but just do it one room at a time while your pup is 8 to 10 weeks old.
It was in the newfoundland puppy’s environment all the time but in a fear period he became aware of it and decided it was scary. This fear period is normally more marked in male dogs. During this time, puppies and young dogs may show skittish behaviors towards familiar stimuli and act as if they’re seeing them for the first time, or they may manifest a reluctance to approach new things (neophobia, fear of new things).
In nature, during this time, puppies are getting out of the den and starting to explore the world around them. Try to avoid frightening the puppy during this time, since traumatic experiences can have an effect during this period. Do not overdose your puppy with scary loud noises and exposures during his fear periods.