Transgenic Animals Examples Ppt
Recombinant DNA methodology is used to construct the gene that is intended to express desirable qualities during the growth and development of the recipient animal.
Transgenic animals examples ppt. Transgenic vertebrates have been developed in species with both scientific and commercial value including fish amphibians birds and mammals. A transgenic animal has been genetically engineered to incorporate a foreign gene. A transgenic animal is one that carries a foreign gene that has been deliberately inserted into its genome.
The development of transgenic animals has been part of biotechnology research which has been expanding rapidly. Foreign genes are inserted into the germ line of the animal so it can be transmitted to the progeny. Have been used as experimental animals for production of transgenic fish.
Examples of Transgenic Animals. Gene transfers have been successful in various fish such as common carp rainbow trout Atlantic salmon catfish goldfish zebra-fish etc. By DAMARIS BENNY DANIEL II Msc.
Examples of Transgenic Animals. Some important examples of transgenic animals are as follows. The production of transgenic animals has focused mainly on producing models eg the mouse for basic and medical research.
Then common misconceptions will be addressed and the ethics of transgenic animal creation will be discussed. Transgenic animals are used as tools in research and for the production of recombinant proteins The main applications of transgenic animals are described as followsStudying gene function. In the interest of educating the public about transgenic animals and determining their effect on society the methods of creating transgenic animals is discussed.
Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for Best PowerPoint Templates from Presentations Magazine. Do not express key foreign antigens. Transgenesis is the procedure through which genetic information DNA or RNA is transferred from one organism to another.