Do Cats Snore When They Get Older

The answer is yes.
Do cats snore when they get older. Respiratory problems are common in older cats. This sound is usually normal but could indicate an obstruction of the larynx or upper airways. While most cat snores are harmless its also important to know that snoring can be a sign of some kind of medical problem.
Cats generally are known for being notorious nappers. Brachycephalic cats the cats with smooshed faces have shortened nasal passages. Infections and diseases can affect the soft tissue around the nasal and throat passages causing your cat to create noises that sound like snores whether awake or asleep.
Loose throat muscles highly contribute to this problem. If youve ever watched your cat closely during their sleeping hours you might have seen them twitch snore or make some other odd sounds or. Just like human beings felines can suffer from upper respiratory infections.
Stertor is a heavy snoring sound occurring primarily during inspiration and is most commonly noticed during deep sleep. Around age 11 cats enter what is considered the senior stage of their lives. Im guessing this sometimes happens with older cats too.
In terms of cats the study found that as many as 7 of cats who slept in the same room as their owners were guilty of snoring. However it is good to know their might be an issue. While this is not likely to be an immediate health concern obesity can lead to many other serious health conditions.
Gender Not sure if this is completely applicable to cats but in humans woman are more likely to snore because their throats are narrower than mens throats. This makes them more prone to snoring. A polyp can be removed if its not serious.