Cat Breed With Folded Down Ears

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Cat breed with folded down ears. It is best not to breed a heterozygous Scottish fold with a Scottish fold that had straight ears but. Scottish Folds are a unique breed of cat whose ears and fold forward and down. Not every Scottish Fold cat is born with the folded ears.
This is a relatively rare breed of cat that requires plenty of attention. These cats with folded ears are bred to cats that do not display the folded ear trait to ensure none of the litter receive two copies of the gene. This folding occurs in three levels like an accordion.
The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with folded-down ears. The most prominent feature of the breed is the ears which are wide-set and point down and forwards which gives the head and face a round appearance. They are known for being loyal and affectionate but can be timid around strangers.
The tightly folded-down ears of this rare breed and its shorthaired relative are due to a genetic mutation seen in no other cat. There isnt only one type of folded ears. The unrecognised Oriental Fold is a SiameseOriental type cat with folded ears I believe it came from attempts to breed colourpoint Scottish Folds.
The ears on this cat were folded in a strange way. The Scottish Fold cat can trace its origins back to a cat named Susie. This backwards flattening of the ears of non-Scottish Folds transmits to other cats that they are in fight mode and that the other cat should take heed and beware.
The entire breed stems from a single cat named Susie from the McRae farm in Perth Scotland. Kittens with no fold are called Scottish Straights the straight ears are also called perk earsThe straight-eared Folds are still valuable to the breeding program because they do carry the fold gene. If you are interesting in Scottish Fold cats and are planning of getting one remember these straight eared cats have just the same sweet character as the ones with folded ears.