Arctic Ocean Animals Facts

Alaska and its coast line support the whole of Americas polar bear population and contain a.
Arctic ocean animals facts. Arctic Fox - Vulpes lagopus Arctic Hare - Lepus arcticus Arctic Wolf - Canis lupus arctos Caribou Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus Moose - Alces alces Musk Ox - Ovibos moschatus Polar Bear - Ursus maritimus Wolverine - Gulo gulo Dall Sheep - Ovis dalli Ermine - Mustela erminea Lemming - Lemmus lemmus Sea Otter - Enhydra lutris Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe Rabbit. Endangered marine species in. Fram basin is the deepest spot in arctic ocean.
Arctic ocean animals facts. The Narwhales are very special. It encircles the Arctic and flows beneath it.
They are also called the unicorn of the sea. They are the largest terrestrial mammalian carnivore species. The Arctic Ocean is home to around four species of whales.
Animals in the Arctic Ocean. In ice-covered regions of the central Arctic Ocean polar cod is a central predator of primary consumers. Staff writer Arctic Europe Marine Mammals Near threatened North America.
Find out more about these awesome Arctic animals here. Mount Kilimanjaro Facts for Kids The Highest Peak of Africa. In winter when more of the ocean freezes over and thick snow covers the land animals and plants have adapted to keep warm and survive.
In 1969 Wally Herbert became the first person to cross the oceans surface from Alaska to Svalbard. The Arctic Ocean is Earths northernmost body of water. Animals that live in the Arctic and the oceans and seas surrounding the continent.