Animals Names In Telugu And Hindi

Hindoo Hindu Example - the Hindu faith.
Animals names in telugu and hindi. A forest is an extensive area preserving some or all of its primitive wildness and usually having game or wild animals in it. Learn animals vocabulary animal names through pictures.
Wild Animals name in Telugu with English Pronunciation. Ant Eater Cheentiikhor चटखर. Bear - भल - Bhaloo Ursidae 3.
Telugu Names of Animals. Spoken mostly in the north of India.
Fruits name in Telugu. Buffalo - भस - Bhains Bubalus bubalis 4.
Dog डग कतत Kutta Cat कट बलल Billi Puppy पपप कतत क बचच Kutte ka bachcha Goldfish. 69 rows English. Bey genda animal సతత తలగల harkatein in telugu.
Cat - बलल -. Below given list contains all animals in Hindi and English meaning with Sound. Aquatic Animals Name in Telugu Aquatic Animals Name in English.